Our Initiatives
Breaking barriers and fostering leaders, our initiatives empower Black women in Product & Design to excel in their careers through targeted resources, workshops, networking, and a supportive community.
Simultaneously, we inspire BIPOC girls to pursue Product & Design careers through education, mentorship, and a nurturing community, shaping a brighter future.
Join the org
Professional Membership
Equip and support Black women at any stage in their career in Product & Design with the skills, resources, and network needed to excel and advance in their professional journey.
Youth Involvement
Middle - High School
Empower and inspire BIPOC girls to explore and pursue careers in Product & Design through educational opportunities, mentorship, and a supportive community.
Become a corporate or organizational partner and support us in providing valuable resources, volunteer opportunities, and donations to empower Black women in Product & Design and inspire BIPOC girls to pursue rewarding careers in this field. Together, let's make a lasting impact.